Friday, January 23, 2009

Faces of New York

Esto es peculiar. Hago un post sobre un post.
Me parece muy interesante el proyecto de "Faces of New York" de Simon Hoegsbere y m'as que el proyecto me han interesado las sinceras respuestas de los asaltados. Lo 'unico que pregunta es: "Qu'e piensas de tu cara?"
Echad un vistazo!

Once in a while I see a person on the street who immediately attracts my attention. I’m fascinated by the appearance of the person and feel a strong urge to walk over and say hi.

I spent one month, seven hours a day, walking the streets of New York in search for people who had this effect on me. I found ten, and asked each of them the same question: What do you think about your face?

Name Rhoda Lukin
Age 75
Occupation Political writer

What do you think about your face?

Essentially I would say I have made a drastic change the last three years. Age caught up with me. Good times caught up with me. Wild parties caught up with me. And what I see now is a truly aging woman. I no longer see the spontaneous, witty, charming… I see an elderly woman. And I find that difficult, but in a way very freeing. I don’t have to be the life of the party anymore, and I can talk to charming people like you and not have to feel that I have to flirt with you. I’m much, much freer although considerably sadder getting old.

I’m a writer, and I’ve been a writer through all sorts of times. Journalism and creative magazines, news etc. It’s very difficult for me to sit back and watch as opposed to be the active force. And yet I think that if I stick it out I will discover a way of aging that involves anything that is different from doing crossword puzzles. Keep your mind active, you know? I got fit with gym, but I can’t do that anymore, and I don’t want to pretend.



dezk said...

muy chulo

Anonymous said...

Genial, bravísimo. Gran manera de acercar el concepto del tiempo, la vejez y la muerte al ciudadano de hoy en día.