Friday, December 18, 2009

Tamara Muller

Increible el trabajo de esta artista holandesa. Conflictivo, sutil, intrigante.

"There seems to be a lot of conflict in Tamara Muller’s works. I suppose it would be more accurate to say there are a lot of conflicting elements in her work; beautifully rendered skin and faces on enlarged and misshapen heads, frail bodied girls that emanate a sense of power and intensity, soft and translucent colours that speak of innocence used to render scenes of slightly demented sexuality.

The conflict continues outside the canvas, I find myself alternating between a state of wrought fascination and being made to feel as though I’ve become an unwilling voyeur."



magritte said...

son ninos pintados con acuarelas adultas. Muy bueno. Tiene ese ligero aire que hablamos de Mark Ryden.

El Ilustre Dieguno said...
