Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Para inagurar este nuevo formato del blog en el que se pueden ver videos y fotos más grandes he elegido este Teaser de Wildwater. Está grabado con la RED y unas buenas lentes. Este descenso de rio es una locura, esta gente puede morir en cualquier momento. Mirad el 0:56.

WildWater is a journey into the mind and soul of whitewater, into the places only river runners can go, places of discovery, solitude and risk. Its a visually stunning feast for the senses, and an expedition into new ideas. We set out to create a new kind of adventure film. One where image, sound and ideas trump all else. We wanted to communicate the essence of the thing we love - wildness and whitewater - and put its soul on film. A tall order. After thousands of hours of effort in around the world and in our studio, we are now editing the full version of a film we call WildWater, and we have achieved much of the goal. Borrowing Hollywood film tools and techniques, including RED digital cinema cameras and high speed film, WildWater brings not only new perspectives, but new images to kayaking and the world of adventure cinema. 



Javiwaka de Rodas said...

está genial!

dezk said...

La de agua que deben haber tragado.
Me encantan los planos en los que les van siguiendo en paralelo desde la carretera...