Monday, August 29, 2011

Hyper(reality) - Geffrye Museum

Maxence Parache es un diseñador interactivo que tiene un proyecto, Hyper(reality) en el que propone una nueva mirada a uno de mis museos favoritos de Londres, Geffrye Museum.

Embodying the concept theorized by hyperrealism theories, the helmet provides a digital experience, immersing the user in an alternative version of reality seen through the helmet. Instead of having a static point of view, the user becomes able to navigate through the 3D environment enabling new behaviours specific to the hyperreal world while still having to physically interact with the real environment. Thus it creates an odd interface between these two states.
The suit is composed of an helmet with high definition video glasses, an arduino glove with force sensors controlling the 3D view and a harness for the kinect. Each user experience is recorded and analysed, portraiting user behaviours during the experience.
Experiencing the device in a museum broadens the path to curation and allows the user to immerse himself into the collection. The Geffrye museum is then experienced as a whole, as the user is navigating from the large-scaled architecture of the rooms to the smallest pieces of art thanks to this virtual vision.

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