Friday, March 16, 2007

Grandes secuencias de la historia del cine: Zulú

Cy Endfield dirige ZULU en 1964, se trata del primer papel principal que consiguió Michael Caine tras hacer mil figuraciones o interpretar quinientos personajes que sólo tenían un frase(ese gracioso and introducing Michael Caine as...).
La película trata sobre el ataque de cuatromil zulús a una patrulla británica que sucedió en realidad durante las guerras Boer de 1879 (recordada como la mayor derrota de un ejército "moderno" frente a las fuerzas autóctonas de una colonia).
Baker and Caine are very convincing in the two lead roles as Chard and Bromhead, the rival lieutenants from different social classes who come to respect and even like each other. Their first meeting emphasises the psychological as well as the physical distance between them. Chard, the Engineer Officer, in his shirt-sleeves, is up to his waist in water; Bromhead, the upper-class blue-blood, in his helmet and fine cloak, is on horseback, having just returned from hunting. However, as the battle progresses, this rivalry is forgotten as their prime concern is the job in hand. Their exchange when Chard is injured and Bromhead goes to his aid is telling. By the end of the film, as they stand together in the burnt-out ruins of the hospital, they are equals.
What I think is very admirable about 'Zulu' is its lack of jingoism. Far from it crowing about British supremacy over the natives, it portrays the bravery of the Zulus as equal to or even greater than that of the British. At the end of the battle, there is no great rejoicing; it was just a job which had to be done because they were there. In the ruins of the hospital, when Chard asks Bromhead how he feels, Bromhead replies, "Sick." Their dialogue continues:

Bromhead: There's something else. I feel ashamed. Was that how it was for you? The first time?

Chard: First time? Do you think I could stand this butcher's yard more than once?

Bromhead: I didn't know.

Chard: I told you. I came up here to build a bridge.

secuencia de batalla
chiste de Caine

1 comment:

Javiwaka de Rodas said...

Peliculón, todo aquel que quiera que su vida tenga un poco más de sentido que no dude en verla