Friday, January 16, 2009

Marina Bychkova´s weird dolls

Oscuras, desnudas, frágiles, enfermizas...

Marina Bychkova is a doll sculptor and her enchanted porcelain dolls reflect the dark and sometimes threatening undertones that classic fairy tales often contain - they are fragile and vulnerable in their beauty.

She says "I find nothing more boring and thoughtless than another girly girl doll with blond curls and a puffy dress holding a teddy bear. Ugh...!"



Javiwaka de Rodas said...

me dan un poco(mucho) miedito

El Ilustre Dieguno said...

si, dan muchísimo miedo. Por eso me parecía interesante que esto saliera de la mente de una chica joven...

Unknown said...

nunca sabes que puede salir de la mente de una chica joven...