Thursday, November 05, 2009

Fred Lebain

Fred Lebain hace lo mismo que el hombre invisible pero con posters.

fred lebain is not scared of the mundane or clichés. instead, he plays with them, superimposing their images on one another. last spring lebain took images of various areas in new york city, each one of them an occasion of a 'first visit' to the location, in which he photographed and then printed in large poster format. later, he returned to the same spots for a second visit, capturing a larger framed shot in which he aligned the poster documenting his first visit to the current scene.



Estela said...


jct said...

Estaría bien que los comercializase por encargo, para poder encargar uno para ese rincón de la casa donde nos gusta retozar y leer sin interrrrupciones......)